FN advarer om de “tavse katastrofer”
With more than 2,6 billion people – over 40 per cent of the worlds population – lacking access to basic…
29. august 2004 -
Sydafrikansk topmøde går efter demokratisk charter
The summit of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) which opened Monday will stress the importance of holding free and…
16. august 2004 | Afrika -
Amerikansk bistand: U-lande, der får høje karakterer i 16 discipliner, belønnes med ekstra dollars
The Millennium Challenge Corp. is a hot prospect in the world of foreign aid, and a way of reinventing US…
11. august 2004 -
Stor 3-årig granskning af landbrugets potentiale for fattigdomsbekæmpelse sættes igang om kort tid
In an opinion piece in the New Scientist (08/07), Robert Watson, chief scientist at the World Bank, and Beverly Mcintyre,…
10. august 2004 -
Lægetidsskrift kalder WHOs Afrika-kontor for en politisk klub
Det fremtrædende britiske lægetidsskrift, “The Lancet”, retter i en ledende artikel ætsende kritik mod Verdenssundhedsorganisationen, WHOs, regionalkontor for Afrika, rapporterer…
9. august 2004 | Afrika -
FN og Sudans regering undertegner aftale om afvæbning af arabiske militser i Darfur
The senior United Nations envoy to Sudan and the countrys Foreign Minister have signed an agreement committing Khartoum to take…
6. august 2004 -
WHO sætter 3 medikamenter mod aids på den sorte liste
Three generic HIV/AIDS medicines have been removed from the international list of medicines available to developing countries because the manufacturer…
5. august 2004 -
WHO håber stadig på at udrydde børnelammelse over alt på kloden inden årets udgang
The World Health Organization is optimistic that polio can be eradicated globally by the end of 2004, according to the…
5. august 2004 -
FN-team til somali-del af Etiopien for at afværge hungersnød
Aiming to avert a potential humanitarian catastrophe, United Nations aid coordinators have opened an office in the Somali region of…
3. august 2004 -
Oversvømmelser – og udbredt tørke – kan hindre den nye indiske regerings strategi for at mindske fattigdommen i landdistrikterne
Flood and Drought Threaten India’s Mission to Relieve Rural Poverty South Asias annual monsoon is threatening to derail the agenda…
30. juli 2004