WHO: Psykiske forstyrrelser behandles stort set ikke i 3V
Serious mental health disorders remain largely untreated around the world, with developing countries faring worst but even relatively affluent countries…
7. juni 2004 -
Tobaksrygning rammer især u-landene, hvor 84 procent af rygerne bor
With tobacco use claiming one life every 6,5 seconds and causing an estimated annual economic loss of 200 billion US…
2. juni 2004 -
WHO: Første globale strategi for reproduktiv sundhed
The World Health Organizations first strategy on reproductive health was adopted Saturday by the 57th World Health Assembly (WHA). Reproductive…
25. maj 2004 -
FN-rapport: Kritisk øjeblik i kampen mod aids
With more money, more political will and more attention being paid to HIV/AIDS than ever before, the world has reached…
11. maj 2004 -
Polio fra Nigeria spreder sig helt til Botswana
Underlining the spreading risk to polio-free areas of imported infection from northern Nigeria where immunization was suspended last year, the…
15. april 2004 -
Nye penge til polio-vaccinekampagne
As they seek to eradicate polio by the end of this year, United Nations agencies and their partners in the…
15. marts 2004 -
FN mangler penge til nyt stort aids-initiativ – bitter reaktion
With a World Health Organization (WHO) initiative to provide anti-retroviral treatment for 3 million people with HIV/AIDS by 2005 running…
3. marts 2004 -
Kvinder er nøglen i kampen mod fattigdom
Women hold the key to eradicating poverty worldwide, but must be supported in their efforts to lead families, societies and…
2. marts 2004 -
Nyt tilfælde af børnelammelse i Elfenbenskysten frygtes overført fra Nigeria
As the United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) Wednesday confirmed that a new case of paralytic poliomyelitis (børnelammelse) has been…
27. februar 2004 | Afrika -
Massevaccination mod børnelammelse igang i Vestafrika
In what the United Nations Childrens Fund (UNICEF) called a breakthrough in Africas health care, several African countries have started…
23. februar 2004 | Afrika