WHO udsender retningslinjer om plantemedicin
With growing reports of adverse effects from herbal medicines and the risk that over-harvesting could lead to the extinction of…
15. februar 2004 -
FN gør et nyt forsøg på at udrydde børnelammelse: Vil vaccinere 250 millioner børn
With a bold new plan for massive campaigns to immunize 250 million children against polio, the six remaining polio-endemic countries…
16. januar 2004 -
WHO lancerer masse-vaccination mod kolera i Mozambique
The United Nations health agency has launched its broadest mass cholera vaccination campaign to date in its first-ever effort to…
15. januar 2004 -
Ny global alliance mod vold
Health Ministers from around the world met Monday in Geneva to launch an initiative that would help prevent violence and…
12. januar 2004 -
Snart sidste udkald for at nå internationale sundhedsmål i 2015
With just over a decade left before the Millennium Development Goals become due, the World Bank and the World Health…
11. januar 2004 -
WHO: Børnelammelse spreder sig igen
The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) Friday confirmed two new cases of poliovirus in Benin and Cameroon; countries where…
10. januar 2004 -
Danske arkitekter skal renovere WHO-hovedsæde
De seneste måneder har været et internationalt gennembrud for firmaet PLH arkitekter A/S, der bl.a. skal stå for ombygningen af…
6. januar 2004 -
Halv million tuberkulose-patienter får gratis behandling takket være ny aftale mellem WHO og medicinalfirma
With tuberculosis killing one person every 15 seconds, half a million of the worlds poorest TB patients are set to…
23. december 2003 -
WHOs årsrapport: Millioner kan reddes
Millions of people could be saved from premature death and years of disability through a combination of financial aid and…
18. december 2003 -
Verdens største vaccinationskampagne mod mæslinger igang
Iran and Turkey have launched the largest and most ambitious measles campaigns in the world, aiming to reach 53 million…
10. december 2003