World Trade Organization
Afrika imod enhver aftale i København uden bistand mod klimaforandringer
Africa will veto any climate change deal that does not meet its demand for money from rich nations to cut…
4. september 2009 | Afrika -
Første milliarder klar i ny stor fond, der skal hjælpe u-landene modstå krisen gennem handel
Donors Commit Funds To Help Promote Trade In Developing Countries Donors formally committed funds on Monday to a 50 billion…
7. juli 2009 | Afrika -
Solomonøerne: Arbejderrettigheder krænkes systematisk og groft
BRUXELLES, 6 May 2009: A new report by the International Trade Union Confederation, ITUC, on core labour standards in Solomon…
6. maj 2009 | Asien -
ITUC: Snævre grænser for faglige aktiviteter i Mozambique
BRUXELLES, 22 April 2009: A new report by the Interntaional Trade Union Confederation, ITUC, on core labour standards in Mozambique,…
23. april 2009 | Afrika -
Verdensbanken: Den økonomiske vækst i u-landene er i frit fald
World Bank Cuts Growth Forecast for Developing Nations Economic growth in developing nations will slow this year far more than…
31. marts 2009 | Afrika -
Afrika til IMF: Sælg ud af guldet og hjælp os
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) should be allowed to sell some of its gold reserves to cushion Africa from the…
19. marts 2009 | Afrika -
Brasilien: Arbejderrettigheder krænkes systematisk
BRUXELLES, 11 March 2009: A new report by the International Trade Union Confederation, ITUC, on core labour standards in Brazil,…
11. marts 2009 | Amerika -
Dominikanske arbejdere er retsløse
BRUXELLES, 24 November 2008: Serious violations of workers’ rights, particularly in export processing zones, are highlighted in a new report…
24. november 2008 | Amerika -
ITUC: G-20s kriseplan er utilstrækkelig, ILOs er bedre
BRUXELLES, 21 November 2008: The first meeting of G20 leaders on the world economic crisis, while setting a road map…
22. november 2008 -
Græsrodsorganisationer kræver samtænkning af handel og bistand
By Nikhil Aziz, Grassroots International Washington, 14 November 2008: The world’s most powerful “leaders” met Friday in Washington to debate…
14. november 2008