Kina kommer Mugabes Zimbabwe til undsætning
China has signed a 1,3 billion US dollar (7,5 milliarder DKR) deal with Zimbabwe to help relieve an acute shortage…
13. juni 2006 -
Zimbabwe: Oppositionsleder udstikker “vejkort til demokrati” for at undgå ultimativ konfrontation
ZIMBABWE: Tsvangirai presents “roadmap to democracy” and another ultimatum HARARE, 9 June (IRIN): Zimbabwes opposition leader, Morgan Tsvangirai, appears to…
11. juni 2006 -
Hårdt for fri radio i Zimbabwe
I forbindelse med et besøg i Danmark af 3 personer fra Radio Voice of the People i Zimbabwe holder organisationen…
5. juni 2006 -
Zimbabwe: Endnu et udslag af nedsmeltningen: Kvinders levealder faldet til 34 – verdens laveste
JOHANNESBURG, 7 April (IRIN/PLUSNEWS): Zimbabwean women have the shortest lifespan in the world, according to a new report released by…
8. april 2006 -
Zimbabwes inflation slår nye Weimar-rekorder
Zimbabwes inflation has hit a record high of 782 per cent, the countrys Central Statistics Office announced on Friday reports…
15. marts 2006 -
Ekspert: Zimbabwe selv ude om sin majs- og hvedemangel – den økonomiske nedsmeltning fortsætter
JOHANNESBURG, 8 March (IRIN): Zimbabwe missed an opportunity to produce sufficient crops to meet national consumption requirements this season due…
8. marts 2006 -
Zimbabwe: Kun hvede til 2 uger
Zimbabwe has only two weeks of wheat supply left, while citizens are faced with soaring bread prices, Zimbabwes main milling…
5. marts 2006 -
Udbrydergruppe fra Zimbabwes oppositionsparti vælger ny leder
A breakaway faction of Zimbabwes main opposition party, the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), has chosen an ex-student leader as…
25. februar 2006 -
Godt nyt fra Zimbabwe! Langt færre unge smittes med hiv
WASHINGTON: A change in the sexual behavior of young people in Zimbabwe probably caused a sharp decline in HIV infections…
4. februar 2006 -
Zimbabwes enorme nedtur gør folk til ufrivillige millionærer – inflation på vej mod weimar-tyske højder
HARARE, 1 Feb. (IRIN): One practical problem of hyperinflation is the sheer inconvenience of carrying bundles of cash. As a…
3. februar 2006