Internt studie: Verdensbanken bør satse mere på økonomisk vækst og infrastrukturprojekter og mindre på sundhed og uddannelse
The World Bank should focus on promoting economic growth rather than social policies as the route to reducing poverty, the…
21. maj 2005 -
Kommentator: Bill Gates er en titan i kampen for global sundhed
Gates a titan of global health; Message of generosity rippling through rich, poor nations By the American commentator Frank Greve…
20. maj 2005 -
Gates Foundation støtter nyt stort anti-malaria-program i Zambia
A new initiative to reduce malaria deaths in Zambia launched Thursday could serve as a model for the rest of…
20. maj 2005 -
EU-udenrigsministermøde med mange bistandsemner på dagsordenen
EUs udenrigsministre holder rådsmøde mandag den 23. og tirsdag den 24 maj i Bruxelles, hvor de bl.a.
20. maj 2005 -
Nye hindringer for amerikanske bidrag til FN
A US congressional committee has drafted a bill that threatens to withhold tens of millions of dollars in dues from…
20. maj 2005 -
Briterne lover at sætte Afrika og klimaforandringer øverst på dagsordenen i G8-gruppen
Britain hopes to make ”real progress” on climate change and Africa during its presidencies of the European Union and Group…
19. maj 2005 | Afrika -
WHO en flaskehals for godkendelse af ny medicin
The United Nations global health watchdog is dragging its feet in approving cheap, effective medicines for the poor to combat…
19. maj 2005 -
Donoradvarsel til Sri Lanka: Fuldend fredsprocessen eller risiker at miste milliarder i bistand
International donors ended aid talks with Sri Lanka Tuesday with a warning to the war-battered and tsunami-hit nation to show…
19. maj 2005 -
Stadig kun lagt planer for anvendelse af knap 60 procent af den lovede genopbygningsbistand efter tsunamien
The biggest donors to the aid effort after the Asian tsunami have made spending plans for less than 60 percent…
19. maj 2005 -
FN-apparatet vil reformere sig selv efter bølge af kritik
Deputy Secretary-General Louise Fréchette Tuesday unveiled a series of reforms undertaken by the United Nations in response to criticisms of…
18. maj 2005