Bellamy i farvel efter 10 år som UNICEF-chef: Verdens børn har det bedre – men der er langt igen
The UN Childrens Fund (UNICEF) has reduced child mortality significantly over the past decade and has expanded its mandate to…
27. april 2005 -
EU-kommissionen til medlemslandene: Stram jer op og giv langt mere til kampen mod aids, tuberkulose og malaria
The European Unions head office appealed Wednesday for more funding from the 25 EU governments to support programs fighting HIV/AIDS,…
27. april 2005 -
Red Barnet: EU har ingen fokus på børn i sin bistand til u-landene
”Vi arbejder ikke med børns fattigdom, men med store veje.” Sådan lyder overskriften på en “skyggerapport”, som Red Barnet har…
27. april 2005 -
Annan opfordrer bistandsdonorerne til at gøre arbejdet færdigt i Østtimor
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan Monday urged the international community to “again do its part,” calling on donors meeting in Timor-Leste…
26. april 2005 -
Internettet skal hjælpe fattige u-landsbønder frem
For the first time, a tool kit including a wide range of teaching and learning tools for the education of…
26. april 2005 -
UNICEF: Underernæring i Etiopien i 25 “hot spots”
Ethiopia is facing serious malnutrition in 25 hot spots around the country and is in dire need of funding to…
25. april 2005 -
Tunesien sender landbrugseksperter til Togo i Syd-Syd samarbejde
Tunisia is sending 20 farming experts and technicians to Togo to work with local experts, as part of an agreement…
25. april 2005 -
Foreløbigt budget for FNs fredsaktiviteter i Sudan: 3,4 milliarder
The UN General Assembly, acting on the recommendation of its Fifth Committee (Administrative and Budgetary), has authorized a budget of…
25. april 2005 -
Kendt lægetidsskrift: Parnerskab mod malaria er slået fejl
An international partnership of more than 90 organizations and countries to reduce global deaths from malaria has failed to control…
23. april 2005 -
USA anklages for at blokere for 2 nye abortpiller, som kan redde titusinder af kvinders liv i u-landene
The US government is trying to block the World Health Organisation from endorsing two abortion pills which could save the…
22. april 2005