Kenya: Donorer smækker kassen i
International donors Tuesday refused to renew funding to Kenya and pressed the government to intensify its war on corruption and…
14. april 2005 -
WFP: Donortræthed truer 3 millioner sultende etiopere
The future of three million hungry Ethiopians is in jeopardy with malnutrition on the rise, little over half the food…
13. april 2005 -
WFP: Donortræthed truer 200.000 Darfur-flygtninge med sult
Just days after warning that a drastic shortage of money will force it to cut rations to more than 1…
13. april 2005 -
Annan begejstret for EU-forslag om, at Unionens 25 medlemslande sætter bistanden op med 142 mia. kr. ekstra frem til 2010
UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan Tuesday welcomed a proposal from the European Union that its members increase their official development assistance…
13. april 2005 -
Annan udpeger 5 udsendinge før topmøde i september
UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan has announced the appointment of Dr. Vaira Vike-Freiberga, President of Latvia (Letland), as his Envoy for…
13. april 2005 -
Verdensbank-rapport: Hvis 2015 Målene skal nås, må der handling til NU – især Afrika syd for Sahara er håbløst bagud
A new report, released Tuesday, warns that unless the international community acts now, there is a grave risk the world…
13. april 2005 | Afrika -
Rapport fra DIIS foreslår dansk eller nordisk genopbygningshold i Afghanistan efter britisk mønster
This new DIIS publication is now online available at www.diis.dk: PRTs in Afghanistan: Successful but not sufficient Peter Viggo Jakobsen,…
13. april 2005 -
Ny vaccinationskampagne mod børnelammelse skal nå 100 millioner afrikanske børn
Africas second phase of inoculations against the polio virus started over the weekend and is designed to reach 100 million…
12. april 2005 | Afrika -
Clinton-fond vil give aids-medicin til 10.000 børn i 10 lande
Former President Bill Clinton announced Monday that his Foundations HIV/AIDS Initiative will deliver antiretroviral treatment (ART) to 10.000 children in…
12. april 2005 -
Vaccination mod infektionssygdomme kan nedsætte børnedødelighed
Vaccination af spædbørn mod infektionssygdomme som lungebetændelse, meningitis og blodforgiftning kan blive et vigtigt redskab i kampen for at nedsætte…
12. april 2005 | Afrika