Lidt om prisen på konflikten i Darfur: 1 milliard kr. til at hjælpe flygtninge i nabolandet Tchad i 2005
Faced with a large-scale influx into neighbouring Chad of refugees from the fighting in Sudans Darfur region and the prospect…
21. december 2004 -
Vil bringe lys ud til Ghanas fattige
Wind turbines may one day power the majority of homes in Ghana. The majority of rural homes in Ghana remain…
20. december 2004 | Ghana -
Chili peber holder tyvagtige elefanter langt væk
Achieving a balanced coexistence in southern Africas Mid-Zambezi Valley between subsistence farmers and wild animals can be tricky. During the…
20. december 2004 -
Verdensbankpenge til at løfte sundhedssektoren i sydindiske Tamil Nadu
The World Bank Thursday approved a credit of 110,83 million US dollar (605 mio. DKR) to help the Indian state…
20. december 2004 -
Bistand til oprindelige folk i Mellemamerika til at styrke deres miljøforvaltning overfor pres udefra
The Global Environment Facility (GEF), the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the World Bank Thursday announced a five-year joint program…
20. december 2004 -
Afrika får ny konkurrent til bistandsmilliarderne: Palæstina – hvis freden kommer
The United States, Europe and Arab countries are considering greatly increasing – maybe even doubling – aid to the Palestinians…
20. december 2004 | Afrika -
Japan skærer i bistanden – for sjette år i træk
The leading donor Japan will cut its overseas aid by four percent to 784 billion yen (7,5 billion US dollar)…
19. december 2004 -
IFAD stiller med penge til fattige bønder i Lesotho
The poorest farmers in three southern districts in Lesotho will be the beneficiaries of a new 12 million US dollar…
18. december 2004 -
USA sletter hele Iraks gæld
USA slettede fredag formelt hele Iraks milliardgæld, skriver DR TEkst-TV lørdag. Udenrigsminister Colin Powell, finansminister John Snow og Iraks finansminister,…
18. december 2004 -
Også ILO siger det: Mikrokreditter skaber jobs og bekæmper fattigdom
Stressing that micro-financing is crucial to poverty reduction worldwide, the United Nations labour agency has hailed the work of a…
18. december 2004