Anti-torturråd opruster med 9 nye medarbejdere
Det Internationale Rehabiliteringsråd for Torturofre (IRCT), der er paraplyorganisation for rehabiliteringscentre for torturofre verden over, opruster nu og søger nye…
15. december 2004 -
WFP sikrer sig kinesisk støtte og ekspertise
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), the planets largest humanitarian agency, and China – the worlds most populous country…
14. december 2004 -
WHO og UNICEF går sammen om at bekæmpe 4 børnesygdomme i Afrika
With malaria and measles topping the list of child killers in Africa, the United Nations public health agency and its…
14. december 2004 | Afrika -
Verdensbanken holder konference om vækst i Afrika i juli næste år
The World Bank will hold a major international conference to discuss how to achieve shared growth in Africa in Accra,…
14. december 2004 | Afrika -
Italiensk mindemønt om verdens sultende
Italians were given a new way to count the cost of hunger on Monday when the Government dedicated its first…
14. december 2004 -
Rapport: Penge fra FNs nu lukkede olie-for-mad program overført efter bogen til ny irakisk fond
All known oil proceeds, reported frozen assets and transfers from the now-defunct United Nations Oil-for-Food programme have been “properly and…
14. december 2004 -
OXFAM: Sådan kan NGOer overvåge, at det ikke går galt med projekterne i ressourcesvage u-lande
A new report by Oxfam International has highlighted the watchdog role NGOs can play in monitoring budget spending in resource-poor…
14. december 2004 -
Zoellick kan meget vel være USAs kandidat til at efterfølge Wolfensohn i Verdensbanken
Robert B. Zoellick, the United States trade representative, has jumped to the top of the list of candidates for president…
13. december 2004 -
Rapport: Verdensbanken bør gøre mere i mikrokreditter til de fattige
The World Bank should spend more money on giving small loans to the worlds poorest people to reduce the number…
13. december 2004 -
Verdensbanken vil holde Uganda i stramme tøjler
The Monitor (Uganda) notes that senior World Bank procurement specialist, Rogati Kayani, said at a workshop on Tuesday that there…
13. december 2004