Nielson: EU står bag handlingsprogrammet fra Kairo for verdens kvinder trods nye konservative EU-medlemmer
The conservatism of some of the new European Union member states will not change Europes commitment to the sexual and…
2. september 2004 -
Flere Verdensbank-millioner til Ugandas 10-årige vejsektorprogram
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors Thursday approved an International Development Association (IDA) financing in a total amount of…
2. september 2004 -
Annan hilser strømlining af FNs Frivilligprogram velkommen
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan Wednesday welcomed proposals to streamline the United Nations Volunteers programme (UNV), which seeks to mobilize…
1. september 2004 -
UNFPA: Hvor bliver pengene af til familieplanlægning og reproduktiv sundhed?
Developing countries have made tremendous strides in improving reproductive health and tackling womens rights issues, but rich nations have only…
1. september 2004 -
Verdensbanken giver et lift til højere uddannelse i Bangladesh
The World Bank Tuesday approved a 100 million US dollar (610 mio. DKR) credit to Bangladesh for implementation of a…
1. september 2004 -
Stort Verdensbanklån til at beskytte Brasiliens miljø
The World Bank Board of Executive Directors has just approved the First Programmatic Reform Loan for Environmental Sustainability, in the…
31. august 2004 | Amerika -
UNHCR: Over 2,2 millioner afghanere er vendt hjem fra Pakistan
More than 2,2 million Afghans have returned home so far from Pakistan since the voluntary repatriation programme of the office…
31. august 2004 -
Verdens største kampagne mod børneorm når ud til 4,5 mio. børn i Afghanistan – og for under en halv mio. dollars
For a cost of less than half a million dollars, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has completed its…
31. august 2004 -
Mozambique ønsker Verdensbank-penge til at rehabilitere jernbanelinje
Mozambican transport minister Tomas Salomao is in Washington for meetings with representatives of the World Bank on funding for the…
31. august 2004 -
Første direkte telefonlinjer mellem Tanzania, Zambia og Kenya
Tanzania, Zambia and Kenya will open their first direct phone lines with each other as the Southern and East African…
31. august 2004