Kommentar af Sanjay Suri til London-møde om sundhed
There could hardly be two conferences taking place at the same time whose aims would be further apart than the…
26. august 2004 -
EU: 20 millioner euro til Darfur
The European Commission has allocated 20 million euro in humanitarian aid for the victims of the crisis in the Darfur…
25. august 2004 -
Verdensbankens strukturlån bliver udviklingslån
The World Bank has said that one of its main lending instruments, Adjustment Lending, has been replaced by the new…
25. august 2004 -
Indien: Anti-AIDS gruppe under anklage
Critics of Indias World Bank-funded National AIDS Control Organization (NACO) are finding a powerful ally in the countrys Comptroller and…
25. august 2004 -
Atter flygtningekonvojer til Afghanistan
Convoys of returning Afghans from Iran have resumed after a temporary suspension of two days due to insecurity around the…
25. august 2004 -
Tørke skaber frygt for sult i Etiopien
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Monday voiced deep concern over increasing malnutrition and disease…
24. august 2004 -
Verdensbanken og IMF: 2015-mål i fare
The worlds poorest countries are in severe danger of failing to meet ambitious economic and development goals set for the…
24. august 2004 -
Lejre for uønskede EU-immigranter
EUs kommende retskommissær Rocco Buttiglione har lagt sig ud med flere politikere og medlemslande, skriver Politiken tirsdag. Buttiglione vil oprette…
24. august 2004 -
USA vil tilbageholde 120 mio. dollars fra global aids-fond, medmindre andre lande betaler deres del
The United States challenged other countries Wednesday to pay their share of the worlds premier AIDS-fighting fund by the end…
20. august 2004 -
UNDP overvejer at bygge flydende hjem i Bangladesh
The UNDP is considering building floating homes in Bangladesh following the worst flooding in years to strike this low-lying south…
20. august 2004