FN bitter over nye drab på hjælpearbejdere i Afghanistan
United Nations officials in Afghanistan Thursday denounced the killing Wednesday of two German aid agency workers in an ambush in…
6. august 2004 -
Årsmøder for Verdensbanken og Valutafonden holdes 2.-3. oktober i Washington DC
The Executive Boards of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Group have decided that the Annual Meetings…
6. august 2004 -
Bangladesh indstiller udviklingsprojekter for at koncentrere sig om genopbygning efter syndfloden
Bangladesh has suspended work on development projects to focus on repairing damage from floods that have swept across almost two-thirds…
6. august 2004 -
WHO håber stadig på at udrydde børnelammelse over alt på kloden inden årets udgang
The World Health Organization is optimistic that polio can be eradicated globally by the end of 2004, according to the…
5. august 2004 -
WFP appellerer om 82 mio. dollars til 2,3 millioner tørkeramte kenyanere
The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) Thursday launched an emergency appeal for 82 million US dollar for immediate food…
5. august 2004 -
Verdensbanken vil fortsætte med at poste penge i olie-, gas- og kuludvindingsprojekter
The World Bank has agreed to new rules meant to prevent revenue from oil and gas projects going to corrupt…
5. august 2004 -
Verdensbanken afviser at medvirke til at ødelægge Cambodjas skove
The World Bank said Wednesday that its work in Cambodias forestry sector has helped reduce deforestation, and rejected criticism that…
5. august 2004 -
Verdensbanken forsvarer sig: Vi har nået store resultater
In a letter to the editor of The New York Times, World Bank Chief Economist François Bourguignon replies to a…
5. august 2004 -
UNDP: Bangladesh skal bruge et år på at komme på fode
Bangladesh will need at least a year to recover from the devastating floods that have caused massive damage to its…
5. august 2004 -
FN-team til somali-del af Etiopien for at afværge hungersnød
Aiming to avert a potential humanitarian catastrophe, United Nations aid coordinators have opened an office in the Somali region of…
3. august 2004