Afghanistan søger 30 mia. dollars
Two years after the Tokyo conference, Afghanistan is preparing to participate in a two-day international donor meeting in Berlin next…
25. marts 2004 -
Swaziland har flest HIV-positive
Swaziland har den største udbredelse af HIV i verden. 38,5 procent af de voksne swazier er HIV-positive. Det oplyste FNs…
25. marts 2004 | Afrika -
MS-papir om EUs globale ansvar: Mere bistand, tak
Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke har på sit seneste styrelsesmøde den 17. marts vedtaget et EU-standpunktspapir, som konkretiserer organisationens holdning til bistandspolitikken, handels-…
25. marts 2004 -
Chok over FN-drab i Kosovo
The following statement was issued Wednesday by the Spokesman for Secretary-General Kofi Annan: The Secretary-General is shocked and outraged at…
25. marts 2004 -
UNICEF: Vitaminmangel koster verdens fattige dyrt
Hver tredje menneske får ikke nok vitaminer og mineraler, fremgår det af en ny rapport fra FNs Børnefond, UNICEF.
25. marts 2004 -
Per Stigs visioner for EUs globale rolle
DOKUMENT: “The Need for a Strong Global Role for the EU” – Speech by the Danish Foreign Minister, Mr. Per…
24. marts 2004 -
Burundi: Millioner i bistand til at demobilisere soldater
The World Bank has approved a 84,17 million US dollar credit to help the transitional government of Burundi return former…
23. marts 2004 -
Poliovaccination i Nigeria: Stadig nej fra Kano
President Olusegun Obasanjo has released the results of a month-long investigation into polio vaccines used in Nigeria, saying they proved…
23. marts 2004 -
FN-udsending: Krisen i Darfur en af verdens værste
Describing the situation in western Sudans Darfur region as “one of the worst in the world,” the United Nations most…
22. marts 2004 -
Verdensbanken vil sætte gang i Vestafrika
To help the people of West Africa compete in the global economy, the World Bank recently approved a 408,69 million…
22. marts 2004 | Afrika