Den 22. marts hver eneste år er der fokus på vand på den internationale mærkdage for denne uundværlige ressource.
World Water Day, kaldes dagen officielt. Dette års tema er vand og jobs.
Flere organisationer markerer mærkedagen.
UN Water lancerer en ny rapport om dette års tema.
“The report will suggest content and basis for debate throughout the year on the theme “Water and Jobs”, lyder det i omtalen.
Rapporten kan downloades her:
Grundfos: vandmangel rammer pigers skolegang
Også danske organisationer har fokus på vigtigheden af den livsnødvendige ressource. The Poul Due Jensen Foundation, eller Grundfos Foundation, arbejder meget med vand og udvikling.
Derfor har fonden lagt en video om arbejdet op på hjemmesiden. Den medfølgende tekst lyder som følge:
“In sub-Saharan Africa low-income countries alone, women and girls walk an average of 6 km every day. This translates into 40bn hours a year, which is equal to France’s entire labour input. Imagine if this time could be spent going to work or going to school instead”.
“For Wold Water Day, the Foundation created a video explaining some of the challenges faced by women and girls and how it works to include women actively in the water projects”.
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Korruption i vandsektoren
Transparency International vælger at markere dagen ved at udgive en rapport om korruption i vandsektoren.
Den introduceres på hjemmesiden på følgende måde:
“Each year, between US$ 770 billion and $1,760 billion are needed to develop water resources and services worldwide. Yet the number of people without “safe” drinking water is about as large as those who lack access to basic sanitation: around 32 per cent of the world’s population in 2015”.
“How can so much be spent and yet such massive shortfalls still exist? One answer: About 10 per cent of water sector investment is lost to corruption”.
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Fattige betaler den højeste pris for vand
Wateraid har naturligvis også valgt at markere lejlgiheden. Den internationale NGO lancerer en rapport, der konkluderer, at vand er allermest bekosteligt for de fattigste på kloden.
“Our new report, launched to mark World Water Day 2016, reveals that the poorest people in the world are paying the highest price for safe water – and calls on governments to act now for universal access”, lyder omtalen på hjemmesiden.
Omtalen og selve rapporten kan findes her:
Pris til amerikansk professor
Den internationale tænketank Stockholm International Water Institute uddeler i dagens anledning prisen Stockholm Water Prize Laureate.
I år bliver den tildelt til en amerikansk professor.
“Professor Joan Rose of the USA is named the 2016 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate for her tireless contributions to global public health: in assessing risks to human health in water and creating guidelines and tools for decision-makers and communities to improve global health”.
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