Uganda lagt på is af donorerne: Hårdt ramt på budgettet

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Efter afsløringen i efteråret af storstilet korruption i premierministerens kontor i hovedstaden Kampala går det fulde omfang af bistandsydernes nedskæringer nu op for landet, som må skære ned på alle slags offentlige tjenesteydelser.

KAMPALA, 17 December 2012 (IRIN): Hundreds of millions of dollars in donor aid have been withheld from Uganda in recent months, threatening post-war rehabilitation in the northern region and key public investments across the country.

Keith Muhakanizi, deputy secretary to the Treasury, told IRIN that donors, under a Joint Budget Support Framework (JBSF) have suspended “about 260 million US dollar”, or 6 percent of the annual budget for at least six months.

The donors include the World Bank, European Union, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

The cuts followed allegations that officials in the Office of the Prime Minister (OPM) embezzled misbrugte/svindlede med) up to 13 million dollar (et enormt beløb i et u-land, red.) in donor funds intended for recovery in the northern region.

Uganda is trying to win back donor esteem by meeting their conditions – Denmark, for instance, has demanded a full refund of stolen money, the introduction of better control systems, and written confirmation of the government’s commitment to crack down on corrupt officials.

Uganda has vowed to recover the stolen funds, boost the accountability (ansvarlighed) to its public financial system, and prosecute guilty officials.

At least 12 implicated OPM employees have been suspended, and two senior officials are on remand facing prosecution.

Hearings through a public accounts committee are ongoing, and Uganda’s Daily Monitor newspaper reported on 13 December that the cabinet had approved a measure to refund 15,5 million dollar to donors from the government’s consolidated fund.

Muhakanizi said public services would not be impacted by the cuts until the next financial quarter, starting January 2013, when another instalment of donor funds is due to be released.

“We will take adjustment measures where necessary across the board,” he said.

Economic fallout

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