Verdensbanken sender milliarder til at elektrificere Afrika

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Forfatter billede

Afrika er kaldt “det mørke kontinent” og i én henseende er det i bogstaveligste forstand rigtigt – alt for mange afrikanere mangler indlagt elektrisk strøm (faktisk 600 millioner) og det til trods for, at det store kontinent har rigeligt med uudnyttet vandkraft, vind- og solenergi.   

WASHINGTON, August 5, 2014 (World Bank): The World Bank Group Tuesday committed five billion US dollar (27,5 milliarder DKR) in new technical and financial support for energy projects in six African countries – Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria, and Tanzania – which have partnered with President Obama’s Power Africa initiative.

Making the announcement on the second day of the first US-Africa Summit, World Bank Group President, Dr. Jim Yong Kim, said the new financial commitment was urgently needed to generate more electricity for the people of Africa.

600 million Africans have no access to electricity, despite the fact that Africa possesses some of the world’s largest hydropower, geothermal, wind and solar potential, as well as significant oil and natural gas reserves.

El-mangel koster afrikanerne dyrt

Africa’s power crisis forces families and communities to spend significant amounts of their income on costly and unhealthy forms of energy, such as diesel generators or wood for indoor cooking fires.

Africa has vast hydropower potential but uses just eight percent of this untapped water force.

In comparison, Western Europe uses 85 percent of its available hydropower potential, which has contributed to their economic development and industrialization.

“We think that the US Power Africa initiative will play an extremely important role in achieving the goal of providing electricity for Africa”, Bank President Kim said, adding:

“So today I am very pleased to announce that the World Bank Group, following President Obama’s lead, will partner with Power Africa by committing five billion dollar in direct financing, investment guarantees, and advisory services for project preparation in Power Africa’s six initial partner countries”.

“The US Government and the World Bank Group are working now on specific tasks and milestones which could help to achieve one quarter of Power Africa’s goal of generating 10,000 megawatts of new power in Sub Saharan Africa”.

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Begynd fra: “Like Europe and the rest of the world, Africa deserves the same opportunity….”

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