Verdensbankens og Den Internationale Valutafond holder deres årlige forårsmøder d. 12. og 13. april i skyggen af den internationale finanskrise og svingende resultater med at opfylde mål om at udrydde sult og fejlernæring i verden.
I den forbindelse bebuder Verdensbanken:
A number of reports will be published during the week leading into the two days of meetings.
Highlights include the 2008 Global Monitoring Report and the 2008 World Development Indicators.
We will also be making available transcripts, audio and video files of events leading up to and during the meetings, including President Zoellick’s opening press conference and the Development Committee Press Conference.
The Development Committee draft provisional agenda and the papers scheduled for discussion are in the process of being posted on the Development Committee website.
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