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Godt nok hersker der sharia-love med hård tugtelse i Saudi Aarabien, men det kan også blive for meget og mange saudier er oprørte over, at faderen slap med et relativt beskedent beløb i “blodpenge”.

The case of a five-year-old Saudi girl who died after allegedly being beaten by her father has sparked outrage and an online campaign in the kingdom, BBC online writes Saturday.

The girl, Lama, was the daughter of Fayhan al-Ghamdi, an Islamic preacher who made regular appearances on TV.

He was arrested after Lama’s death in November but was reportedly absolved (frikendt) by the judge in the case.

The verdict has sparked an online campaign calling for punishment for violence against women and children.

The campaign was launched by Manal al-Sharif – known for her efforts to win women the right to drive

Saudi media reports said that Ghamdi had paid 200.000 riyals (50.000 US dollar) in “blood money” – a sum that can be paid to relatives of a murder victim and which, if accepted, can replace a death sentence.

The amount is half what would have been necessary if Lama had been a boy.