WFP: Kun 30 pct. af den nødvendige fødevarehjælp til 1 million i Somalia

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Hvert fjerde barn i det sydlige Somalia er nu ekstremt underernæret, men FNs Fødevareprogram (WFPs) lagre ved at være tomme

A shortfall in donations has forced the World Food Programme to cut rations to those dependent on food aid in Somalia, the organisation has said, according to BBC online Saturday.

A drought which began late last year has left many Somalis short of food. The country has also been ravaged by two decades of violence. Already, one in four children in the south of the country are severely malnourished.

Aid agencies describe their plight (tilstand/situation) as very serious indeed. – We began having to cut ration sizes from February, to try and eke out (strække) what food we did have coming through the system, WFP spokesman Peter Smerdon said from Nairobi.

– Now, in May, it has really got extremely serious. We have only about 30 per cent of the food that we need to feed the one million people that we were expecting to feed this time of the year, added he.

He said the organisation had been forced to reduce both the number of those it feeds and the ration given to each person.

– In fact we are feeding 66 per cent of the one million people we should be feeding but the amount of food being given out is only 33 per cent of what we should be giving out, he explained

The WFP is to hold consultations with donors in the next few weeks to explain the severity of the situation, BBC notes.