Zimbabwe: Oppositionsleder beskyldes for overfald på kritikere

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Foto: Kevin Carter/Getty Images
Laurits Holdt

Zimbabwes tidligere premierminister Morgan Tsvangirai bliver beskyldt for at stå bag et overfald på to højtstående medlemmer af hans parti efter at de offentligt har kritiseret ham og opfordret ham til at træde tilbage.

To højtstående medlemmer af oppsitionspartiet MDC i Zimbabwe blev i weekenden overfaldet af partimedlemmer efter et møde i partiets ledelse.

The party’s deputy treasurer, Elton Mangoma was at the receiving end of a gruesome attack from party members believed to be aligned to Tsvangirai – his crime – writing a letter that the party leader should make way, reports The Africa Report on Monday.

The party secretary general Tendai Biti, widely believed to be the brains behind the plot to oust the former Prime Minister, escaped huge blows by jumping into Tsvangirai’s car, following a meeting where the leadership of the MDC was reportedly discussed.

Mangoma accused Tsvangirai of condoning the violent attack on him warning that this was the way the MDC leader dealt with perceived threats to his power.

“The attack happened after the meeting ended at about 1700 hours. Alert to the possibility of violence, we had agreed that I would emerge from the building by Tsvangirai’s side and depart in the leader’s vehicle in order to avoid disturbances.

“But once we emerged from the building, I realised that Tsvangirai was, somehow, no longer by my side. I was then attacked while he watched and he certainly did nothing to discourage the mob. My sense was that he had prior knowledge that there would be violence.”

Tsvangirai, leader of the MDC since its formation in 1999 faces a fight to keep his position, as he is being accused of misappropriating party funds, failing to manage his private life and also failing to dislodge his long-time nemesis, President Robert Mugabe.