Ny politisk assistent på den danske ambassade i Beirut
Maria Lindhardt er pr. 26 januar 2009 ansat som politisk assistent på den danske ambassade i Libanons hovedstad, Beirut. Hun er 30 år og Bachelor i Socialvidenskab og Religionsvidenskab.
Hun kommer fra en baggrund som aktiv i det ungdomspolitiske foreningsliv, hvor hun har arbejdet med projekter i Mellemøsten siden 2005.
Maria Lindhardt har specielt arbejdet indgående med Libanon, hvor hun har været med til at opstarte det dansk-libanesiske ungdomspolitiske netværk støttet af DAI igennem Dansk Ungdoms Fællesråd. Kontakt: [email protected], Tlf: +961 1 99 10 01
Ny koordinator for KVINFOs programmer i Marokko
KVINFO har ansat Houda Zekri som ny koordinator til programmerne i Marokko. Hun har sendt denne præsentation af sig selv:
“I am 34 years old, married and mother of an almost 3 years old son. I am a jurist. I had my Bachelor in Private Law (in French) at the University Mohamed V in Rabat, Morocco. Afterwards, I studied PhD in the Faculty of Law of Granada, Spain and specialized in Private international Law.
I am actually finishing my Thesis about “International Private Situations in the Spanish Moroccan Relationships: keys of the Islamic Law incidence”, directed by Dr. Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo. Therefore, I have a solid knowledge about Moroccan Family Law and its repercussions beyond borders.
Before joining KVINFO team, I worked as a Gender adviser at the ADL Project, “Reinforcement and modernization of the Justice Administration in Morocco”, within the Spanish Cooperation in Rabat.
I was in charge of the Fight against violence against womens file and was responsible for all the seminars, publications and trainings of Moroccan judges and prosecutors in this field.
Arabic is my mother tongue and I am fluent in French and Spanish. My English is quite good and improving a lot thanks to my new position within KVINFO.”
Houda Zekri kan kontaktes på Tél: 037 66 50 20, e-mail : [email protected]
Skype: houdakvinfo