400 mio. til oversete kriser fra FNs akutte nødhjælpsfond

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En stribe u-lande, som er hårdt ramt, men ikke optræder i mediernes overskrifter, får nu ekstra penge fra verdensorganisationens “ambulance-fond”, som i år uddeler rekordmange midler i hjælp till nødlidende kloden over.

GENEVA, 16 July 2013 (UN News Service): The United Nations humanitarian chief Tuesday announced the allocation of some 72 million US dollar (knapt 400 mio. DKR) from an emergency fund to assist people in neglected crises in 12 countries around the world.

The funds will support vital humanitarian aid in Bangladesh, Burma, Chad, Colombia, Haiti, Madagascar, Mauritania, Niger, North Korea, Pakistan, the Philippines and Somalia.

“Millions of people around the world are in dire need but we don’t always see or hear of their plight,” said the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, Valerie Amos.

“This money will save lives by ensuring that humanitarian organizations can continue to support the most vulnerable men, women and children caught in the midst of devastating disasters and conflicts.”

This latest allocation brings the total amount provided by the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to an unprecedented 172 million dollar in a single year, the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said.

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