5 millioner afghanske børn mangler skolegang


Denne uge er global aktionsuge under devisen “uddannelse for alle”. Det betyder at op mod 10 millioner børn i hele verden arbejder for, at alle børn får ret til skolegang, også i u-landene.

Ifølge IRIN NEWS går 5 millioner afghanske børn ikke i skole.

KANDAHAR, 21 April 2009 (IRIN): Razia, aged 10, cannot go to school because doing so is deemed too risky for girls in the southern province of Kandahar, and because her father believes only boys should attend school.

– My father says schools are not for girls and that girls should work at home, she told IRIN in Kandahar, adding that she had always wanted to go to school and become a doctor.

Her father, Abdul Rahim, said: – I am not the only father banning my daughter from school… No man wants his daughter or sister to be attacked and disgraced by the Taliban for schooling, Rahim said.

His fears are not baseless: In November 2008, unidentified attackers sprayed acid over a dozen of female students and teachers in Kandahar Province in what was seen as a move to discourage girls education.

Conservative customs, poverty, lack of educational facilities and a strong culture of gender discrimination have deprived over five million school-age children (over three million of them girls) of an education, according to aid agencies and the Ministry of Education.

That is roughly one third of Afghanistans under 18 population of about 14,5 million in 2007, according to the UN Children’s Fund.

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