Afghanistan: Stor tvivl om sikkerhedsstyrkernes professionalisme

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Forfatter billede

En ny rapport fra en række internationale organisationer slår fast med syvtommersøm: Der er ingen tid at spilde, hvis Afghanistans militær og politi med udgangen af 2014 skal kunne overtage ansvaret for beskyttelsen af civile.

De afghanske nationale sikkerhedsstyrker har gradvist fået overdraget mere og mere ansvar, men der er stor tvivl om deres professionalisme og ansvarlighed.

Rapporten – No Time to Lose: Promoting the Accountability of the Afghan National Security Forces – oplyser, at mindst 10 procent af de civile tab i 2010 skyldtes de afghanske sikkerhedsstyrker .

Menneskerettighedsorganisationer har desuden dokumenteret, at sikkerhedsstyrker i en række tilfælde har krænket menneskerettighederne, inklusive rekruttering og seksuelt misbrug af børn og mishandling af tilbageholdte. I visse områder betragtes politiet ligefrem som en bande kriminelle.

I 2010 blev 2777 civile dræbt, det højeste tal siden 2001.

Key recommendations

The report urges states supporting the national security forces to:
• Improve the quality of training for the national forces – ensuring that all components of the security forces are appropriately trained in human rights and international humanitarian law, and that training for the police includes sufficient emphasis on accountability, good governance, the rule of law, and community-based policing;
• Provide more substantial political and financial support to Afghan government institutions and mandated independent bodies that receive and investigate complaints against the national forces.

States must also support the Afghan government to ensure that:
• Personnel who abuse their authority, violate codes of conduct or otherwise fail to fulfil their obligations under Afghan or international law are transparently investigated and appropriately disciplined and/or prosecuted;
• Incidents resulting in civilian harm are properly monitored and followed by credible investigations.

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