Kina roser Indien for holdning til Tibet

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China Thursday blamed the Dalai Lama for stroking extremist views and thanked India for taking “effective and concrete” steps to curb Tibetans during President Hu Jintao’s visit, writes

Luo Zhaohui, Director-General of the Department of Asian Affairs, regretted the loss of innocent lives in and around Tibet but said Beijing opposed pro-independence Tibetan activists.

Answering a query about the death of a young Tibetan protester in New Delhi Wednesday, Zhaohui said loss of innocent lives was always regretful.

– On the other hand, we look to emphasise that Dalai Lama and so-called pro-freedom Tibetan activists pushing extreme radical views by glorifying extreme behaviour is not consistent with Buddhism, Luo said.

Jamphel Yeshi, a 27-year-old Tibetan, died Wednesday after setting himself ablaze to protest Hu’s India visit for the BRICS meeting.

Luo said India recognises Tibet as a part of China.

He said it was “regretful” that Tibetan protestors created trouble for the Indian government.

– The Chinese side appreciates effective and concrete measures taken by government of India, he said.

Indian authorities clamped prohibitory orders banning the gathering of four or more people in the capital and arrested many Tibetans to prevent possible trouble during Hu’s trip.