Masseflugt fra kampe i Pakistan

Forfatter billede

Kampe mellem regeringsstyrker, Taliban og Al Qaida har jaget over 100.000 på flugt i det nordvestlige Pakistan. De flygter dels på grund af frygt for kamphandlingerne, dels på opfordring fra myndighederne om at evakuere de områder, de bor i.

An estimated 101,160 people, mostly women and children, have become displaced since 20 January when Government troops began security operations against militant groups in the Khyber Agency region, according to UNHCR.

A recent increase in the intensity of the fighting is driving even larger numbers of families flee the region to the safety of the Jalozai camp, where UNHCR is registering them and providing them with basic humanitarian supplies.

A partner UN agency, the World Food Programme, is providing food aid.

Jalozai is located near the western city of Peshawar in Kyhber Pakhtunkhwa province, formally known the Northwest Frontier Province.

New arrivals say that they left their homes because of the proximity of fighting and due to instructions by the authorities to evacuate the area.

Systems are in place to identify vulnerable families and individuals and to identify special needs and to prioritize them in the process of registration, tent allocation and provision of humanitarian assistance.