Nigeria: Bombe dræber 15 i kirke

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Det store vestafrikanske land med nogenlunde lige mange kristne og muslimer atter ramt af bombe-terror i den nordlige overvejende muslimske del – den islamistiske Boko Haram-gruppe mistænkes at stå bag endnu et anslag.

15 people have been killed in a suicide car bomb attack near a church in the northern Nigerian city of Bauchi, witnesses say according to BBC online Sunday.

Many are reported to have been injured in the blast. No group has said it carried out the attack. But it comes amid a wave of violence by the radical Islamic sect Boko Haram.

The group, whose name means “no to Western education”, has carried out numerous attacks across northern Nigeria, killing hundreds of people.

According to Bauchi residents, a man tried to drive a car through a fence outside the Harvest Field Pentecostal church on Sunday.

The vehicle did not break through the fence and the bomb was detonated. Some of those killed by the blast were inside the church and others were standing outside.

It is suspected the target was a larger church in the same compound.

Boko Haram has its stronghold in the north-eastern city of Maiduguri and wants to impose Sharia law across Nigeria.

It has targeted churches as well as schools, police stations, and other government buildings.