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Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Den sidste af de oprindelige ledere af Perus revolutionære – og voldelige – bevægelse blev kendt skyldig i terrorisme, narkohandel og hvidvaskning af sorte penge – i dag er bevægelsen kun en skygge afsig selv.

Apart from the life sentence in prison Florindo Flores, who is known as Comrade Artemio, was ordered to pay a fine of 183 million US dollar, writes BBC online Saturday..

The Shining Path rebels were severely weakened in the 1990s after failing to install a Communist state, but some remain active in southern Peru.

During the trial which lasted six months, Artemio, 51, had denied the terrorism charges but referred to himself as a “revolutionary”.

He was captured and wounded last year after a clash with troops in Alto Huallaga, a former rebel stronghold and cocaine-producing region.

He admitted in December 2011 that the Shining Path had been defeated, and said from his jungle hideout that the remaining rebels were ready to have talks with the government.

But President Ollanta Humala has been adamant that his government will not “negotiate with terrorists”.

Inspired by Maoism, the Shining Path tried to lead a “People’s War” to overthrow what they called “bourgeois democracy”.

Almost 70.000 people died or disappeared in more than a decade of internal conflict.

But the rebels were severely weakened after the capture of their founder Abimael Guzman in 1992.

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