Tid: 19/03/2015 16:00 til 19/03/2015 19:00

Sted: Ingeniørhuset (IDA), København havnefront, Kalvebod Brygge 31-33, Kbn V

Arrangør: N/A

Debatmøde om udenlandske investeringer i Afrikas landbrug – velsignelse eller forbandelse?

Tilmelding på IDA hjemmesiden (arr.nr. 313837) via https://ida.dk/event/313837

Tilmeldingsfristen er d. 15. marts inden midnat.

På mødet diskuteres det vigtige tema med indlæg af

* professor Per Pinstrup-Andersen fra Cornell university;

* Peter Bernstorff, der driver landbrug i Zambia samt

* NGO-repræsentant Oliva Kinabo, der arbejder med småbønder og nomader, som lever af landbrug og kvægbrug i Tanzania.

Programmet for mødet findes på


Foreign Agri-business in Africa – blessing or curse? 

After decades of neglect, many Sub Saharan African countries find themselves in the paradoxical situation that they have plenty of fertile land but cannot feed their own population and therefore rely on import of food – sometimes even subsidized from OECD countries.

They also rely on food assistance in times of crisis. Moreover, food insecurity is pervasive in many parts of rural Africa; many small scale and low productivity farmers face challenges in covering household consumption needs let alone producing sufficient food for the urban population. 

Since mid-2000s Sub Saharan Africa has experienced an increasing interest in investments in agriculture by foreign agri-business and the private sector.

While there is uncertainty about the magnitude of investments in Africa various studies estimate that over the last decade global foreign large scale land acquisitions for food and fuel production amount to a total of 20 – 40 million hectares.

Multiple factors such as development aid deficits (mindre bistand, red.), global food crisis and population growth are fuelling the interest for private sector investments in the agricultural sector with the purpose of creating jobs and food production.

At the same time market dynamics including the promotion of biofuels as alternative energy source have created an international market for out sourcing food and fuel production to areas of the world where land is cheap and conceived off as abundant.

As a result of this, various forms of investments in the agricultural sector are emerging supported by bilateral donors, multilateral institutions and private sector agro-business giants as well as NGOs. 

Three core questions

This IDA Global Development Meeting focuses in on these trends by bringing in practitioners, investors and academia to discuss and exchange perspectives on key questions such as:

Are foreign private investments in agriculture contributing to economic development, food production and job creation?

What impact does it have on rural livelihoods and food security?

How can governments, development partners and the private sector support sustainable growth for food production and food security?

Om arrangøren:

IDA-Global Development (før Ulandsfagligt selskab) er et fagteknisk selskab under IDA, der på tværs af fag laver arrangementer for alle med interesse i dansk deltagelse i det internationale bistands- og udviklingssamarbejde.

Gratis møder hvis du er medlem  

Som medlem af IDA-Global Development (Ulandsfagligt Selskab) har du gratis adgang til arrangementer, inklusiv forplejning.

For ikke-medlemmer koster det 50 kr. (studerende) og 250 kr. for andre at deltage.

Det koster 400 kr. om året at være medlem af IDA-Global Development (for studerende 200 kr. og institutioner /firmaer 800 kr.).

Medlemmer af IDA kan gratis være medlem af selskabet. 

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