Tid: 18/11/2015 10:00 til 18/11/2015 13:00

Sted: DIIS, Danish Institute for International Studies, Auditorium, Gl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A (nær Nordhavn S-station), Østerbro, København

Arrangør: N/A

Hvordan hjælper vi de fattige i Afrikas tørre regioner?

SEMINAR: Confronting drought in Africa’s drylands – Presentation of new World Bank report on enhancing resilience (større modstandsdygtighed i et barsk klima under forandring)

The seminar will be conducted in English.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use our online registration form on


And do so no later than Tuesday, 17 November, at 12.00 noon.


Drylands are at the core of Africa’s development challenge.

Vulnerability to climate change and other risks is growing and affecting the livelihoods and well-being of hundreds of millions of people.

What are the opportunities and obstacles for enhancing resilience in the face of these risks?

This seminar will discuss a recently released World Bank report on drought in Africa’s drylands in the perspective of lessons learnt from Danish development cooperation and implications for the changing development agenda of the future.

Rapporten kan fås gratis ved tilmelding til seminaret (begrænset antal). Banken er blevet bedt om at sende 50 eksemplarer til DIIS til seminaret.

Den trykte udgave er konferenceudgaven fra Ankara, hvor rapporten blev præsenteret på Ørkenkonventionens nylige årsmøde.


  • Aage Jørgensen, Nordic Development Fund
  • Elsebeth Tarp, Senior Technical Advisor, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Raffeallo Cervigni, Lead Environment Economist, Africa Region, World Bank
  • Ian Christoplos, Senior Researcher, DIIS


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