Tid: 11/11/2015 09:00 til 11/11/2015 13:00

Sted: Dansk Industri (DI), Industriens Hus, H.C. Andersens Boulevard 18 (ved Rådhuspladsen), København

Arrangør: N/A

Afrika og Mellemøsten: Investeringer, investeringer…

TILMELDING senest 6. november til DI.

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Topfolk belyser mulighederne

In light of the declining growth prospects for Africa and the Middle East, there is an even stronger focus on attracting FDI (udenlandske investeringer) and generating private sector development.

Five out of ten top reformers in the World Bank’s Doing Business 2016 Report are African, and Sub-Saharan Africa alone accounted for 30 per cent of the regulatory reforms making it easier to do business in 2014-2015.

But will it be sufficient to strengthen growth prospects and support job-creation?

Join the debate to hear about the main findings of the Doing Business 2016 from The World Bank’s Director for Global Indicators Group Augusto Lopez-Claros.

A local business perspective will be provided by Director General Dr. Maher H. Al-Mahrouq, Jordan Chamber of Industry.

The two speakers will be joined by State Secretary Martin Bille Hermann, Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Danidas chef) and Deputy Director General Thomas Bustrup, Confederation of Danish Industry for a panel debate.

HUSK at du indtil videre kan se hele månedsoversigten over arrangementer på http://u-landsnyt.dk/kalender