Tid: 10/12/2015 10:00 til 10/12/2015 12:00

Sted: Festauditoriet (auditorium A1.-01.01), Københavns Universitet, Bülowsvej 17, Frederiksberg C

Arrangør: N/A

Kom og mød Cambodjas effektive skovforkæmpere

Prey Lang Community Network er i Europa for at deltage i COP21, hvor de får overrakt FNs Equator Pris, som de har vundet på baggrund af deres banebrydende arbejde støttet af Danmission og Københavns Universitet.

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TILMELDING til Christina Dahl Jensen på e-mail: [email protected] 

Seminaret er arrangeret i samarbejde med Københavns Universitet og for alle, der er interesseret i:

* Oprindelige folks rettigheder, skovressourcer og rettigheder
* Dialog og fredsskabelse
* Informations- og kommunikationsteknologi brugt af miljøaktivister
Indigenous people in Cambodia combat illegal logging and corrupt politicians with cell phones and an app 

20 per cent of CO2 emissions arise from the burning and destruction of tropical forests. This corresponds to an emission the size of the United States and China's annual emissions or the emission from all trucks, planes, trains and ships combined.

If we want to be serious in our efforts to limit the global temperature increase to 2 degrees Celsius, we must halt the destruction of the world's forests. Forests act as a buffer against climate change. Clearing of tropical forests remove the buffer effect and accelerate climate change. 

Meet the people from Prey Lang Community Network who work to protect a 500,000-hectare forest in the Cambodian lowlands – the largest primary lowland evergreen forest in the Southeast Asian country.

Prey Lang Community Network is an alliance of indigenous Kuy communities. PLCN has just won the prestigious UN Equator Initiative Prize because of its success in engaging communities and conserving forest.

PLCN use the latest technology – namely smartphones and a special app to record illegal activities. The documentation is published on Facebook, and in reports to authorities and the media.


10:00 Welcome and introduction by Ernst Jürgensen, Danmission's Country Representative in Cambodia 
10.15 Presentation on "It’s our forest too" v / Hoeun Sopheap, Prey Lang Community Network 
10:45 Presentation on active non-violence in a violent conflict v / Mr Som Chanmony, Peace Bridge Organisation 
11.00 Debate and questions from the audience 
11.50 Summary of discussions by Ida Theilade, Senior Researcher, University of Copenhagen

Mere om Prey Lang Community Network

Working to protect a 500,000-hectare forest in the Cambodian lowlands – the largest primary lowland evergreen forest remaining in the country – Prey Lang Community Network is an alliance of indigenous Kuy communities that is using communications technologies to document forest crime.

Since 2007, the network has advocated against illegal logging and large-scale land grabs for mining, agri-business and logging concessions.

With an emphasis on non-violent actions and peaceful dialogue, the network has engaged civil society, indigenous associations, commune and district authorities, NGOs and research institutions in a joint movement for environmental justice and sustainable development.

The goal is to improve the livelihoods, food security and health of the 200,000 people living adjacent to (i nærheden af) the forest.

The network uses forest patrols and smartphone technology to geo-reference, document and upload information about forest health, illegal logging and wildlife poaching.

As a result of their work, the Government of Cambodia drafted a sub-decree to make Prey Land a protected forest.

The network has become the primary source of reliable on-the-ground data about the forest, information that is now used by a range of stakeholders to strengthen advocacy efforts on continued protection of Prey Lang.

HUSK at du indtil videre kan se hele månedsoversigten over arrangementer på http://u-landsnyt.dk/kalender