

Arrangør: N/A

Informationsmøde: Er du interesseret i at blive sendt ud for Læger uden Grænser? Aarhus (IN ENGLISH)

TIME: Tuesday, 15 November, at 17-19 hours

VENUE: Skejby Hospital i Aarhus, Brendstrupgårdsvej 100, 8200 Aarhus N, in the visitors caferteria (gæstekantinen)

Registration in advance is required. Call +45 39 77 56 00.
The information at this meeting is identical to the ones in Danish.

TIME: Tuesday, 15 November, at 17-19 hours

VENUE: Skejby Hospital i Aarhus, Brendstrupgårdsvej 100, 8200 Aarhus N, in the visitors caferteria (gæstekantinen)

Registration in advance is required. Call +45 39 77 56 00.
The information at this meeting is identical to the ones in Danish.

MSF volunteers around the world give life-saving medical assistance to people who would otherwise be denied access to the most basic health care.

Every year, around 4,800 international volunteers join local staff helping populations in danger. They bring their motivation, professional abilities and practical experience to their work in the field.

Working overseas with MSF in often very difficult conditions is tough and demanding but the rewards are immense.

Further information about the info-meeting at www.msf.dk