

Arrangør: N/A

Frokost-forelæsning: En dansker i nød – Niels Holck-sagen

TIME: Wednesday, 26 October, 12.15 – 13.00

VENUE: NIAS, Leifsgade 33, 3rd floor, 2300 Copenhagen S

The Purulia Arms drop in 1995 was a rare example of a private team of white criminals delivering weapons to an oppositional group in India.

TIME: Wednesday, 26 October, 12.15 – 13.00

VENUE: NIAS, Leifsgade 33, 3rd floor, 2300 Copenhagen S

The Purulia Arms drop in 1995 was a rare example of a private team of white criminals delivering weapons to an oppositional group in India.

The main organizer of the arms drop was a Dane inter alia named Niels Holck. Stig Toft Madsen, Senior Research Fellow of NIAS, discusses various issues of the extradition case heard in the Lower Court and the Eastern High Court in 2010-11 in this week’s In Focus blog on the AsiaPortal. The courts agreed that Holck could not be extradited mainly due to India’s poor human rights record. In return, India “froze” relations to Denmark.

Stig Toft Madsen will hold a lunch lecture titled “From Pusher Street to Purulia: Legal Monism versus Legal Pluralism”

In this lunch lecture on Legal Monism versus Legal Pluralism, Stig Toft Madsen, Fil.Dr., Senior Research Fellow at NIAS, will take us from Pusher Street in Christiania, Copenhagen to Niels Holck and the arms drop case in Purulia, West Bengal.

All are welcome.
Feel free to bring your own lunch.