

Arrangør: N/A

Mød formanden for FNs Klimapanel

TIME: Monday 19.th December at 10 am – 11 am hours

VENUE: Ceremonial Hall (Festsalen), Frue Plads 4, 1168 Kbn K

The meeting is in English

Free admittance and all are welcome (se about registration below)

TIME: Monday 19.th December at 10 am – 11 am hours

VENUE: Ceremonial Hall (Festsalen), Frue Plads 4, 1168 Kbn K

The meeting is in English

Free admittance and all are welcome (se about registration below)

Internationally recognized for his efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, Pachauri argues: “There is growing evidence of current economic activities affecting sustainability in a negative direction and the biggest indicator of this lies in the problem of climate change, the impacts of which are becoming serious.”

Come and debate which options human society has for dealing with the challenge within the framework of sustainability.

Registration: http://sustainability.ku.dk

Organized by Sustainability Science Centre, University of Copenhagen