

Arrangør: N/A

Ph.D. forsvar af David Lorenzo

TIME: Friday, 13 January, from 13.00

VENUE: Auditorium building 25, Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

Based on his Ph.D. dissertation: “Communal mystique and its community of Andean believers. The fantasy of territorial self-rule in Peru´s central highlands” David will give a lecture on:

TIME: Friday, 13 January, from 13.00

VENUE: Auditorium building 25, Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

Based on his Ph.D. dissertation: “Communal mystique and its community of Andean believers. The fantasy of territorial self-rule in Peru´s central highlands” David will give a lecture on:

How does the Andeanist literature on reciprocal exchange and ritual practice inflect your understandings of work, family and gender relations in Usibamba, and how do these relations influence the ways in which the ‘communal mystique’ is imagined and enacted.

The defence will be followed by a small reception hosted by the Graduate School in building 23.2.

The Assessment Committee members are:

Formand: Laurids S. Lauridsen, RUC
Henrik Rønsbo, Rehabiliterings-og Forskningscentret for Touturofre, RCT
Penelope Harvey, University of Manchester

Supervisor: Christian Lund