

Arrangør: N/A

Dialogmøde: Intervention i værdikæder gennem bistand

TIME: Wednesday, 29 February, 16.00-17.45

VENUE: The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Island Brygge 26, 2300 København S

In addressing poverty alleviation through donor support to the private sector, the development of value chains for agricultural products has come into focus.

TIME: Wednesday, 29 February, 16.00-17.45

VENUE: The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, Island Brygge 26, 2300 København S

In addressing poverty alleviation through donor support to the private sector, the development of value chains for agricultural products has come into focus.

Forming new value chains, extending national value chains to regional and international markets, upgrading the position of small producers in value chains, and facilitating young entrepreneurs to join value chains are some of the interventions aiming at positive social and economic impacts.

Drawing on the portfolio of DANIDA value chain projects, which are the main lessons learnt? Are we able to formulate strategic principles for value chain support? Is the value chain approach feasible for small-scale manufacturing and services as well? Do we need a larger framework, e.g. like the Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative, to promote sustainable value chain development? These and other questions will be debated during the dialogue event.


– Welcome; DDRN and The Danish Federation of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises

– The DANIDA Strategy on Growth and Employment and current DANIDA value chain projects Chief; consultant Lars Christian Oxe, UFT, DANIDA

– Value Chain case projects in Ukraine and Uganda; Consultant Jane Bech Larsen, NIRAS

– Discussion Summing up and how to join the DDRN GVC Working Group; DDRN

Participant fee: DKK 100 (includes refreshments)

Registration – deadline 22 February 2012: Send an e-mail to [email protected] with your name and affiliation Transfer DKK 100 to Reg.nr. 8401, konto 1167750 with your name and “GVC” in text field