

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Colombianske byer – øer af sikkerhed i et land i krig?

TIME: Thursday, 15 March, 14-16

VENUE: RCT’s canteen, Borgergade 13, 1014 Copenhagen K


Stine Finne Jakobsen presents her PhD dissertation: Inside The Outskirts. Struggles for survival in an urban squatter settlement in Colombia.

TIME: Thursday, 15 March, 14-16

VENUE: RCT’s canteen, Borgergade 13, 1014 Copenhagen K


Stine Finne Jakobsen presents her PhD dissertation: Inside The Outskirts. Struggles for survival in an urban squatter settlement in Colombia.

It is an ethnographic exploration of networks, livelihoods and survival strategies in urban areas where thousands of internal refugees forced to flee the ongoing armed conflict have settled.

Stine Finne Jakobsen presents the research project: Safer Cities: A study of local governments’ “good practice” in violence prevention.

The study presents successful initiatives and policies as inspiration for RCT’s partners in Central America and others working with violence prevention.

Presentation of the documentary film CITIES ON SPEED – Bogotá Change directed by Andreas Møl Dalsgaard.

The film shows how Bogotá one of the world’s most dangerous, violent and corrupt capitals in less than 10 years went though impressive positive changes under the leadership of dedicated city mayors.

Questions and discussion.

Participation is free, and registration is not necessary