

Arrangør: N/A

Åbent seminar på Christiansborg – Hiv og kriminalisering

TIME: Monday 12 March from 
12.30 to 17.00 hours 

VENUE: Folketinget, Christiansborg

In many countries, criminal law is being applied to those who transmit or expose others to HIV infection.

TIME: Monday 12 March from 
12.30 to 17.00 hours 

VENUE: Folketinget, Christiansborg

In many countries, criminal law is being applied to those who transmit or expose others to HIV infection.

There are no data indicating that the broad application of criminal law to HIV transmission will prevent HIV transmission. Rather, such application risks undermining public health and human rights.

Because of these concerns, UNAIDS urges governments to limit criminalisation to cases of intentional transmission, i.e. when a person knows his or her HIV-positive status, acts with the intention to transmit HIV, and does in fact transmit it.

The seminar will focus on both the present situation in Denmark (where a change of the criminal law on HIV is under consideration), as well as a European and global perspective.

It will also include a ‘working session’ on the difficulties which Danish development NGOs are facing when working with partner NGOs on the issue of HIV and criminalisation.


* Is it possible to stop the spread of HIV without clear legal sanctions on certain sexual behaviours?
* Which minimum of sanctions should there be towards reckless behaviour?
* Which is more important, the individual’s rights or public health needs?
* Which signal would a de-criminalisation send to people living with HIV?

Aidsnet invites you to debate these questions – and many more – at a seminar which will take place at Christiansborg (the Danish Parliament).

The seminar will be introduced by Sophie Hæstorp Andersen, MP, spokeswoman on Health and Prevention of The Social Democratic Party.

We have put together a panel of internationally renowned experts in the field:


* Henriette Laursen – Director, AIDS-Fondet (The Danish AIDS Foundation)
* Matthew Weait – Professor of Law and Policy, University of London
* Steven L.B. Jensen – Researcher, The Danish Institute for Human Rights
* Kevin Osborne- Senior HIV/AIDS Adviser, IPPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation)

A fact sheet on HIV and Criminalisation will be available for download at www.aidsnet.dk before the seminar.


12.30 to 13.00


13.00 – 16.30


16.30 – 17.00
Wine & networking – an opportunity to network and exchange views and experiences in a more informal setting.


Please register with Aidsnet coordinator Cæcilie Bom Kahama by sending her an e-mail to: 

[email protected]

And do so before Friday 9 March 11.00

Please indicate whether you will arrive for a sandwich between 12.30 – 13.00