

Arrangør: N/A

Bogudgivelse: Seksualitet og kønspolitik i Mozambique

TIME: Tuesday, 20 March, 17.15 – 18.30

VENUE: Centre of African Studies, Auditorium 12, Købmagergade 46, 4th floor, 1150 Copenhagen K

The book, published October 2011, is about gender politics in Mozambique over three decades from 1975 to 2005. It is also about different ways of understanding gender and sexuality.

TIME: Tuesday, 20 March, 17.15 – 18.30

VENUE: Centre of African Studies, Auditorium 12, Købmagergade 46, 4th floor, 1150 Copenhagen K

The book, published October 2011, is about gender politics in Mozambique over three decades from 1975 to 2005. It is also about different ways of understanding gender and sexuality.

Gender policies from Portuguese colonialism, through Frelimo socialism to later neo-liberal economic regimes share certain basic assumptions about men, women and gender relations.

But to what extent do such assumptions fit the ways in which rural Mozambican men and women see themselves? Importantly inspired by African post-colonial feminist lines of thinking, the book engages in a project of re-mapping and re-interpreting ‘culture and tradition’.

The findings open new avenues for gender politics, and for re-thinking sexuality and gender – in Africa and beyond.

Introduction by Signe Arnfred with focus on methodology, findings and insights – comments by Diana Mulinari.

There will be a general discussion and a reception.

Signe Arnfred is Associate Professor, Dept of Society & Globalization, and Centre for Gender, Power & Diversity, Roskilde University. Other recent books: Rethinking Sexualities in Africa (2004); African Feminist Politics of Knowledge – Tensions, Challenges, Possibilities (2010, with Akosua Adomako Ampofo).

Diana Mulinari is Professor at Centre for Gender Studies, Lund University. Recent books: Complying with
Colonialism. Gender, Race and Ethnicity in the Nordic Region (2009, with Suvi Keskinen, Sari Irni and Salle Touri); Maktens olika förklädnader. Kön, Klass och etnicitet i det postkoloniala Sverige (2002, with Paulina de los Reyes and Irene Molina); Intersektionalitet (2005, with Paulina de los Reyes).

The book will be for sale (discount price!) at the event