

Arrangør: N/A

Ph.D. forsvar af Stine Finne Jakobsen

TIME: Wednesday, 28 March, at 13.00

VENUE: The L1 auditorium building 01, Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

Based on her PhD dissertation: “Inside the Outskirts. Struggles for survival in an urban squatter settlement in Colombia” Stine will give a lecture on:

“The role of networks, memories and violence in the forging of an urban squatter settlement”

TIME: Wednesday, 28 March, at 13.00

VENUE: The L1 auditorium building 01, Roskilde University, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

Based on her PhD dissertation: “Inside the Outskirts. Struggles for survival in an urban squatter settlement in Colombia” Stine will give a lecture on:

“The role of networks, memories and violence in the forging of an urban squatter settlement”

The defence will be followed by a small reception hosted by the Graduate School in building 23.2.

The Assessment Committee members are:

Steen Bergendorff, Roskilde University
Donalda Jeanine Meertens, Pontifica Javeriana University
Benedikt Korf, University of Zurich

Supervisor: Bodil Folke Frederiksen