

Arrangør: N/A

Konference: Informations- og kommunikations-teknologi i Afrika syd for Sahara

TIME: Thursday, 12 April, 8.30 – 17.00

VENUE: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eigtveds Pakhus, sal II, Asiatisk Plads 2, Christianshavn, 1448 Copenhagen K.

Please confirm participation at [email protected] before 16 March.

TIME: Thursday, 12 April, 8.30 – 17.00

VENUE: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Eigtveds Pakhus, sal II, Asiatisk Plads 2, Christianshavn, 1448 Copenhagen K.

Please confirm participation at [email protected] before 16 March.

Sub-Saharan Africa is changing quickly. The adoption of mobile phones has greatly increased information and connectivity for hundreds of millions of people. New mobile and social media applications offer possibilities to enlarge democracy and increase transparency, accountability and empowerment.

In the midst of these changes, what are the potential of new technologies to support good governance outcomes? Danida is convening a conference to serve as a platform for discussion among South idea leaders and change agents, and the international development community.

The conference topic is the use of mobile telephony, social media and new information pathways in support of governance in sub-Saharan Africa. Government officials, civil society, and entrepreneurs will present and discuss their work along with leading donors in social media for governance.
The conference will be open to invited guests only.

A key objective of the conference will be to present different strategies for the application of social media for governance, and to discuss the role that development assistance from Danida and other donor organizations can play to amplify them. Mr. Christian Friis Bach, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation, will participate in the proceedings.


8:30: Arrival, Coffee and Croissants

9:00: Information as a human right and a key driver for governance; Ib Petersen, Director for Development Policy

9:15: Overview of Study Approach and Findings; John Siceloff, JumpStart Productions & Rikke Ingrid Jensen

9:35: Empowerment – Bringing Omoyele Sowore, SaharaReporters – USAID; Joshua Haynes, Senior Development Technologist – Q&A (20 minutes)

10:25: Coffee Break

10:50: Accountability – Evidence-based Advocacy: Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania: Grassroots citizen advocacy; Rakesh Rajani, founder, Twaweza ni sisi – Kenya: National taxpayers Association; Michael Otieno – Q&A (20 minutes)

11:40: Information Partnerships – Building democracy with citizens, NGOs and Government: Kenya: UWIANO/Election Monitoring/Conflict Prevention; Alice Nderitu, National Cohesion & Integration Commission – Sida; Helena Bjuremalm – Q&A (20 minutes)

12:30: Lunch

13:30: Transparency – Government Open Data: Kenya Open Data Portal; Dr. Bitange Ndemo (tbc), Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Information and Communications, Kenya – World Bank Open Data Evangelist; Tariq Khokhar (tbc) – Q/A (20 minutes)

14:20: Afternoon Tea & Fruit

14:45: Does the North have a role in the South’s Information Revolution?: Opening remarks: Minister for Development Cooperation Christian Friis Bach – Recommendations: Development assistance opportunities for Danida; John Siceloff & Rikke Ingrid Jensen – Panel discussion chaired by Danida rep.: Sida, WB, USAID, Dr. Bitange Ndemo (Government of Kenya), Alice Nderitu, UWIANO

16:30: Conference wrap up; Charlotte Slente, Head of Centre for Development Policy

For more information about the event, please contact Henning Nøhr, Danida, at [email protected]