

Arrangør: N/A

Heldags-seminar: Hvordan får vi Afghanistans kvinder med i udviklingen?

TID: Fredag d. 27. april, kl. 09 – 15

STED: Udenrigsministeriet (Foreign Ministry), Eigtveds Pakhus, sal III, Asiatisk Plads 2G, Christianshavn, 1448 Kbn

NOTE: See English version below!

TID: Fredag d. 27. april, kl. 09 – 15

STED: Udenrigsministeriet (Foreign Ministry), Eigtveds Pakhus, sal III, Asiatisk Plads 2G, Christianshavn, 1448 Kbn

NOTE: See English version below!

Mød den afghanske minister for genopbygning og landudvikling, Wais Barmak, den afghanske viceminister for kvindespørgsmål Palwasha Kakar og udviklingsminister Christian Friis Bach (R) sammen med to paneler af gæstetalere fra forskningsinstitutioner, civilsamfund og NATO.

Seminaret er en unik mulighed for at diskutere vigtigheden af at inddrage afghanske kvinder i fredskabelse og udviklingen i Afghanistan, hedder det.

Arrangement er gratis og alle er velkomne – free admission and all are welcome

Det foregår på engelsk. The seminar is in English

Tilmelding er nødvendig på e-mail [email protected]

Entry is necessary at e-mail: dacaar.seminar@drcdk

NOTICE: Deadline er senest (at the latest) tirsdag (Tuesday) d. 24. april 2012.


Women are among the most vulnerable in Afghan society. Afghan women suffer discrimination and exclusion in economic, political and social terms, and many see their human rights compromised on a daily basis.

Nevertheless, unleashing Afghan women’s full potential is paramount for sustainable economic and social development in the Central asian country now and beyond 2014.

The speakers on Panel 1 will share lessons learnt and discuss future challenges on organizing and empowering women in Afghan rural communities and how to link them to decision making processes at local and national levels.

A stable security environment and the implementation of human rights for women into civil society are essential to ensure the empowerment process. The UNSC Resolution 1325 reaffirms the important role of women in the prevention and resolution of conflicts.

With point of departure in Resolution 1325 Panel 2 will revolve around best practice for ensuring women’s rights in order to promote security and economic development in rural Afghanistan.

PROGRAMME for seminar: Women, Security and Economic Development in Rural Afghanistan


Welcome by Marta de la Cera, Coordinator, ENNA.
Opening remarks by Jonas Christoffersen, Director, Danish Institute for Human Rights, Shanna Jensen, Governing Board, DACAAR and Christian Friis Bach, Minister for Development Co-operation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Denmark

Panel 1: Empowerment of women and Economic development in rural Afghanistan

Introduction to Panel 1 by moderator Michael Jarlner, Foreign Affairs editor Politiken

Wais Ahmad Barmak, Minister, Ministry of Rural Rehabilitation and Development, Afghanistan

Adam Pain, Research Fellow at the University of East Anglia, visiting Professor at the Swedish University of Agricultural Science and Researcher at the Afghanistan Research and Evaluation Unit (AREU)

Coffee break

Wazhma Frogh, Gender and development specialist and human rights activist, Afghan Women’s Network (AWN)

Irshad Alamyar, Manager, DACAAR, a non-governmental organization working to improve the lives of people in rural areas of Afghanistan, in particular the social and economic conditions of Afghan women

Debate: Empowerment of women and Economic development in rural Afghanistan
Moderated by: Michael Jarlner

12:00 -12:40

Panel 2: Women, Security and Human Rights in rural Afghanistan

Introduction to panel 2 by – tbc

Palwasha Kakar, Deputy Minister of Women’s Affairs, Afghanistan

Charlotte Isaksson, Allied Command Operations Gender Advisor, NATO

Malek Sitez, Senior programme advisor at the Danish Institute for Human Rights and the founder of Afghanistan Civil Society and Human Rights Network

Coffee break

Debate: Women, Security and Human Rights in rural Afghanistan
Moderated by: tbc

Concluding remarks

The seminar is a result of a joint cooperation between DACAAR, ENNA, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and The Danish Institute of Human Rights and has been co-funded with support from the European Commission.