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Development Research Day 2012 – Climate and Development

TIME: Tuesday, 16 October

VENUE: LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies), Lund, Sweden

This is an annual event intended to bring together those interested in development issues from a wide variety of disciplines.

TIME: Tuesday, 16 October

VENUE: LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies), Lund, Sweden

This is an annual event intended to bring together those interested in development issues from a wide variety of disciplines.

PhD and master students are especially encouraged to present. This event is designed to give you the opportunity to present your work. Of course, senior researchers, professors, and post-docs are welcome as well.

Your research does not need to be climate specific; anyone working with development issues is welcome. Twenty minutes in total will be devoted to each participant for presentation, discussion, and feedback.

It is a full day programme with a morning of keynote speakers, including AnnaKarin Norling, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Göran Hyden, University of Florida, Richard Klein, Stockholm Environment Institute and Lennart Olsson, Lund University (Please see below for more information about keynote speakers).

The afternoon will highlight the variety of development research at Lund University through parallel sessions with short presentations and a poster exhibition.

If you would like to participate and give a short presentation or take part in the poster exhibition, please email [email protected]. Tell the title of your research and whether you would like to do a presentation or a poster.

Keynote Speakers:

The UN-led Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore. The IPCC is the most important scientific process for advancing science and policy related to climate change.

Their 5th Assessment Report is in the making and will be presented in Spring 2014. The morning session includes two of the coordinating lead authors who will share their experiences from soordinating and writing chapters highly relevant for development.

Professor Richard Klein from Stockholm Environment Institute and Linköping University leads the chapter on Adaptation opportunities, constraints, and limits and professor Lennart Olsson from LUCSUS leads the chapter on Climate Change Impacts on Livelihoods and Poverty.

Sida is a leading actor to promote climate change actions globally in Sweden. AnnaKarin Norling, Research Advisor at Sida, will present Sida’s work related to climate change in development assistance. Finally, Professor (em) G! öran Hyden from University of Florida, a world renowned scholar on development politics, will discuss the politics of climate change in an African perspective.