

Arrangør: N/A

Dansk-arabisk dialogkonference: Partnerskab mellem muslimer og kristne

TIME: Wednesday, 26 September, 9 – 13

VENUE: Landstingssalen, Christiansborg, Copenhagen K.


8:30 Arrival (please, arrive early due to security check).

9:00 Welcome; MP Mrs. Karen Klint, Chairman of the Committee of Parliament on ecclesiastical affairs.

TIME: Wednesday, 26 September, 9 – 13

VENUE: Landstingssalen, Christiansborg, Copenhagen K.


8:30 Arrival (please, arrive early due to security check).

9:00 Welcome; MP Mrs. Karen Klint, Chairman of the Committee of Parliament on ecclesiastical affairs.

9:15 From Beirut to Copenhagen. Official opening; Dr. Asmat Mojaddedi, Pres. of the Muslim Council of Denmark. Judge Abbas Al-Halabi, Pres. of the Arab Group for Muslim-Christian Dialogue. Dr. Riad Jarjour, General Secretary of the Arab Group for Muslim-Christian Dialogue

9:40 From Birmingham to Beirut: Examples and visions for a committed partnership – can we transfer examples of best practice from one context to the other? How does our religious belonging influence our approach to civility in a political context?; Dr. Jørgen S. Nielsen, CEIT, University of Copenhagen.

10:30 Speech by Minister of Social Affairs and Integration Mrs. Karen Hækkerup

10:50 Coffee break.

11:10 A joint Muslim-Christian commitment – how do we move beyond words?; Sheikh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi. Syrian Islamic scholar.

12:00 Strengthening European-Arab relations. What role could Denmark have?; Mr. Danny Annan, Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dept. of MENA. Dr. Tarek Mitri, senior fellow and former minister in Lebanon.

12:50 Closing remarks; Dean Anders Gadegaard, chairman of the National Council of Churches in Denmark.

Registration at [email protected] before 21 September.

The program is the official opening of a 3 days conference for Muslim and Christian leaders from Denmark and the Middle East 25-28 September 2012 and is the second part of a dual conference that began in Beirut, Lebanon in May 2012. For further information, see www.dialogue2012.org

The conference is financed by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.