

Arrangør: N/A

Afrika seminar: Homofobi i Afrika

TIME: Thursday, 1 November, 15.15 – 17

VENUE: Auditorium 12, Centre of African Studies, Købmagergade 46, 1150 Copenhagen K.

Frank Mugisha will talk about the situation for LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people in Uganda and in Africa in general.

TIME: Thursday, 1 November, 15.15 – 17

VENUE: Auditorium 12, Centre of African Studies, Købmagergade 46, 1150 Copenhagen K.

Frank Mugisha will talk about the situation for LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people in Uganda and in Africa in general.

In Uganda in 2009 the Anti-Homosexuality Bill was introduced by David Bahati, Member of Parliament in Uganda. It goes further than any other law in proposing the death penalty for being gay. The Bill has led to massive international pressure on Ugandas government and has inspired other African governments to talk about introducing the same legislation.

Frank will discuss:
1) Is homophobia on the rise in Africa? If yes ‐ why?  
2) Background to the law in Uganda. Role of the government, churches and civil society?
3) What can European countries like Denmark do to work against the homosexuality Bill in Uganda?  

SMUG is a coalition of organisations that work for the human rights of LGBTI people (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex), or sexual minorities, which is the term used by SMUG. It is a non‐profit, non‐governmental organization that works towards achieving full legal and social equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender people in Uganda. It is the umbrella organization of all homosexual organizations in Uganda.

Frank Mugisha has been awarded the 2011 Rafto Prize and John F Kennedy Centers Human Rights Award. SMUG received the Rafto Prize for its work to make fundamental human rights apply to everyone, and to eliminate discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.