

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Working on the margins – approaches to reaching key populations

TIME: Thursday March 21, 2013, 11 am – 4 pm (11 til 16)

VENUE: AIDS-Fondet/The Danish AIDS Foundation, Vestergade 18E, 1456 Copenhagen K

TIME: Thursday March 21, 2013, 11 am – 4 pm (11 til 16)

VENUE: AIDS-Fondet/The Danish AIDS Foundation, Vestergade 18E, 1456 Copenhagen K

As the global AIDS response is celebrating its successes with regards to the number of people on ARV treatment and the significant reductions in mother-to-child transmission of HIV, huge challenges remain across all societies to reach the most marginalized with relevant HIV prevention and treatment.

Yet, evidence shows that those AIDS.

The global development community has a special obligation to serve the people at the margins of society, people that are affected by inequality, poverty and human rights abuses.

But how can NGOs design programs that effectively involve key populations when these populations are widely criminalized and stigmatized by their societies?

These issues will be discussed and debated at this open seminar, organized by Aidsnet in collaboration with FORDI (Forum for Rettigheder og Diversitet).

We have invited speakers with practical programmatic experience of working with key populations, as well as representatives from UNAIDS and Danida.

The seminar will be held in English. Sandwiches will be served for lunch.

Please register for the seminar with your name and organization, no later than March 14, to e-mail: [email protected]


Welcome and introduction by Henriette Laursen, Director, AIDS-Fondet

Key Populations – the final frontier in ending AIDS? by Alison Crocket, Senior Adviser on Key Populations, UNAIDS

Testimonies (webcasting from the International AIDS Conference 2012)

Lunch break

Case: Reaching prisoners in Zambia with HIV prevention by Anne Egelund Ryberg, PhD, Roskilde University

Case: How to use HIV as a window of opportunity for addressing LGBT rights by Gift Trapence, Executive Director for Centre for the Development of People, Malawi

Case: Stigma no more – sex workers in Nairobi fight back by Kirsten Madsen, Counsellor/Trainer, AIDS-Fondet

Coffee break

Danida’s commitment towards those living on the margins within “The Right to a Better Life – Strategy for Denmark’s Development Cooperation”, and within the post 2015 framework by Anne Marie Tyndeskov Voetmann, Chief Consultant, Centre for Global Development and Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Panel debate with speakers

Wrapping up and goodbye by Henriette Laursen, Director, AIDS-Fondet