

Arrangør: N/A

Unge i konflikter – de glemte ofre – et vue frem mod tiden efter 2015

TIME: 6th of September at 13.00 – 17.00 hours

VENUE: Design Museum Denmark (Designmuseet) on Bredgade 68, 1260 Copenhagen.


is needed before the 5th of September due to limited seating. Please register here:


* Christian Friis Bach (DK) Danish Minister of Development Cooperation

TIME: 6th of September at 13.00 – 17.00 hours

VENUE: Design Museum Denmark (Designmuseet) on Bredgade 68, 1260 Copenhagen.


is needed before the 5th of September due to limited seating. Please register here:


* Christian Friis Bach (DK) Danish Minister of Development Cooperation
* Ellen Margrethe Løj (DK) Chair of Plan International, former Ambassador to the UN, SRSG in Liberia 2008-2012
* Nancy Lublin (USA) CEO and “Chief Old Person”, DoSomething.org
* Elin Martinez (UK) Save the Children, Education Advocacy Advisor


* Michael Ehrenreich (DK) Director of Danish Foreign Policy Society
* Anders Jerichow (DK) Chair of Humanity in Action DK, Senior Correspondent at Politiken
* Mohammad Ilias Alami (Afghanistan) Manager Afghanistan Journalist Safety Committee
* Huratu George & Mohamed P. Rogers (Sierra Leonne) Manager Play31
* Samar I. H. Elhussieny (Egypt) Director of Andalus Institute for Tolerance and Anti-Violence Studies
* Patrick Iregura (Rwanda) Author, memoir: I Dream For A Living
* Serge Rwigamba (Rwanda) Senior Tour Guide & Manager, Genocide Museum, Kigali.

To learn more press:


13.00 – 13.15: Welcome: The need for a conference on youth post 2015
Anders Jerichow, (Chair Humanity in Action Danmark, Senior Correspondent at Politiken)

13.15 – 14.00: Youth and Development – challenges for post-conflict countries
Ellen Margrethe Løj (Chair of Plan International, former Ambassador to the UN, member of the Security Council)

14.00 – 14.45: Attacks on education – the impact of conflict and grave violations on children’s futures
Elin Martinez (Education Advocacy Advisor, Save the Children UK)

14.45 – 15.15: Coffee Break

15.15 – 15.30: Youth’s role in development – Danish priorities
Christian Friis Bach (Danish Minister of Development Cooperation)

15.30 – 16.15: Panel discussion: The forgotten victims of war: Looking beyond 2015

• Christian Friis Bach (Danish Minister of Development Cooperation)
• Ellen Margrethe Løj (Chair of Plan International, former Ambassador, SRSG in Liberia 2008-2012)
• Elin Martinez (Advocacy Advisor, Save the Children UK)
• Mohammad Ilias Alami (Manager, Afghanistan Journalist Safety Committee)
• Huratu N. George (Program manager, Play31)

Moderated by Michael Ehrenreich (Director of Danish Foreign Policy Society)

16.15 – 16.30: Break

16.30 – 17.00: Inspirational talk: Youth empowerment and technology
Special guest, Nancy Lublin (CEO and “Chief Old Person” of DoSomething.org)


Children, youth and women are often the ones most affected by conflicts. Youth in particular are an unexplored power in peace building and agents for change.

However, as 2015 nears and governments and various stakeholders are evaluating their commitments to reaching the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), youth in conflict are often neglected and left out of the global agenda setting.

The conference will seek to investigate and discuss different issues affecting youth such as access to education in volatile regions; war, conflict and reconciliation; freedom of press and expression; sectarian strife and rights of young women; technology for youth empowerment; and the need for the international community to develop and synchronize a new foreign policy agenda that looks beyond 2015.

Across the global south, the international community is witnessing a spur of events from the fruition of new democracies to the breaking down of security and governance.

These complex events present an intricate challenge in which various actors, stakeholders and structures have become entangled. Too often youth in the global south are left out of the discussion and their roles unvalued.

Humanity in Action believes it is vital to understand the worlds growing younger population, and that the need to empower youth as positive actors for change is ever pressing.


Partners include the Danish Foreign Ministry, the Danish Foreign Policy Society, Play31, and the International Media Support.

BACKGROUND: Educational Program Preceding the Conference

In late August and early September, Humanity in Action Denmark (HIA DK) will examine how young human rights activists can contribute to reconciliation in post-conflict societies and bring about stability and protection while ensuring social progress and accessibility to education.

This will be executed through Youth in Post-Conflict Societies project, which is primarily funded by the Danish Foreign Ministry.

The project seeks to bring six young activists from Afghanistan, Egypt, Rwanda, and Sierra Leone to Denmark.

In Denmark they will embark on a tour on which they will engage and enlighten Danish youth, organizations and development actors, and the broader public on their own backgrounds.

The project will discuss how young people – wherever they are – can contribute to their own societies to ensure social progress.


Ibrahim Baig, Project Manager, Humanity in Action,e-mail: [email protected]