

Arrangør: N/A

Åbning af ny uddannelse i Global Health

TIME: Monday 2 September at 15.00 – 17.00 hours

VENUE: Chr. Hansen Auditorium, Centre for Health and Society, Øster Farimagsgade 5, building 34 (det gamle kommunehospitals bygninger), 1353 Copenhagen K

All are welcome

TIME: Monday 2 September at 15.00 – 17.00 hours

VENUE: Chr. Hansen Auditorium, Centre for Health and Society, Øster Farimagsgade 5, building 34 (det gamle kommunehospitals bygninger), 1353 Copenhagen K

All are welcome

The programme is cross-disciplinary and brings together researchers from across faculties at the UCPH, as well as external partners, to teach and analyse how to meet the global health challenges.

The first batch of 34 students, coming from 12 different countries, will commence their studies in September.

Rector of the University of Copenhagen, Ralf Hemmingsen, will be joining the celebration as the opening speaker.


15.00: Ralf Hemmingsen, Rector, University of Copenhagen
15.10: Ulla Wewer, Dean, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
15.20: Pierpaolo de Columbani, WHO Europe
15.30: Helle Samuelsen, Head of Department, Faculty of Social Sciences
15.35: Flemming Konradsen, Director of Copenhagen School of Global Health

Followed by reception

Convenor: University of Copenhagen