

Arrangør: N/A

Møde: Økologiske småproducenter i Vietnam

TID: 7. oktober kl. 14.00-16:30

STED: Frokoststuen, Dan Church Aid, Nørregade 15, 1453 København K.

It is pleasure to present the experienced Dutch development worker Koen Den Braber at this seminar in Denmark.

TID: 7. oktober kl. 14.00-16:30

STED: Frokoststuen, Dan Church Aid, Nørregade 15, 1453 København K.

It is pleasure to present the experienced Dutch development worker Koen Den Braber at this seminar in Denmark.

Koen Den Braber has been at the core of developing organic agriculture in Vietnam for many years and has extensive knowledge of working with market access for small holder farmers in Vietnam.

The meeting is organized to get an opportunity to learn and get inspiration from the Vietnamese experience in developing the organic sector.

Organic agriculture is still in its initial phase in Vietnam, but experiences from the project ”Developing a Framework for Production and Marketing of Organic Agriculture in Vietnam” shows that organic agriculture is a sustainable alternative for the small holder farmers in Vietnam.

Through training in Farmer Field Schools, initializing a Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) and establishing of the Vietnam Organic Agriculture Association, the organic sector has consolidated itself and organic small holder farmers have got access to the market.

The meeting is organized in cooperation between the Agro-Ecological Network and Agricultural Development Denmark Asia (ADDA).

Registration: Please send your name and organization by email to register for the meeting to Per Rasmussen, [email protected] before 1st October.